Bring Home New Furniture This Spring

Leather Flexsteel Furniture St. Louis

High-quality leather furniture is excellent for all types of homes. It can be stylish and comfortable while being able to last you a lifetime. The team at Peerless Furniture store wants to make sure that their customers receive only the best furniture for their homes. This is why they will stock their showroom with only the best brands. You can find wonderful leather Flexsteel furniture St. Louis at Peerless Furniture with affordable prices and tons of styles.

Once spring hits, I am in cleaning and refreshing mode. This doesn’t mean I clear everything out and purchase all new items, but this does mean I assess all the items I own. If I needed to replace an item, then spring is the time to do so. If you’re in need of some new furniture items, then this is a great time to visit. The team at Peerless Furniture can help you hunt down the perfect Flexsteel sofa or recliner for your living room. I am a huge fan of the sectionals that they have available. They offer a variety of styles and frames, so you can only purchase pieces that you may need. You can find items that are stationary or reclining with or without storage spaces and so many other customizable features with the sectionals from the Flexsteel brand.

You’re going to get a better sense of what is offered by this local store whenever you visit them in person. You can drop by and look at all of their in-stock furniture and chat with one of their team members. This is also a great opportunity to check out features that you’ve never seen before. You may find a feature that you absolutely don’t want to live without.

Learn Why Leather Furniture Is A Great Purchase

St. Louis Leather Furniture Store

If there is one thing I can almost guarantee about leather furniture, many people think it’s too hard to handle. Many people think that it’s hard to take care of and too expensive to purchase. I’m here to tell you that this isn’t the case. You can find affordable leather furniture and leather furniture is super easy to care for. When you shop at Peerless Furniture, you’ll find the most outstanding brands with incredible price tags attached to them.

Price is usually a huge determining factor when it comes to making a large purchase. Many people get lower quality pieces because they aren’t willing to pay the prices of high-quality furniture. However, Peerless Furniture will do what it can to ensure that its prices are low. It’s also important to note that some leather furniture might be slightly more expensive, but the benefits outweigh the slightly higher cost. When you own a high-quality brand, you’ll benefit from the fact that you aren’t replacing it in a few years. Flexsteel brand prides itself on the fact that it can last a lifetime. That means you’re only paying out for your furniture once instead of once every few years. The leather furniture will be a great choice for those homes that have kids and pets. It can be easily cleaned and it’s durable to withstand a little roughhousing.

You can learn a lot more about leather furniture whenever you speak with the team members at Peerless Furniture. This St. Louis leather furniture store will offer you a variety of leather couches, sectionals, recliners, and everything in between. Learn why you need leather in your home today by visiting Peerless Furniture.

Things You May Not Know About Leather Furniture

Fenton, MO, Leather Reclining Sofas

Peerless Furniture is a local St. Louis store that offers a variety of home furnishings. You can find many different fabric upholstery and style options in their showroom too. Regardless of what your interior design preference may be, this store has something for you. Leather furniture is a great place to start, but there are a lot of misconceptions about this fabric. Let’s check out a few of those misconceptions to ease your mind.

One of the first lies you may hear about leather furniture is that it is super high maintenance. This, however, is not the case at all. Leather furniture is probably easier to care for than most other fabrics. It’s super easy to clean off and can wick away liquids that may have been spilled on the furniture. Also, leather can often withstand activity from animals, making it great for these homes.

You’ve probably also heard the statement that leather furniture is far too expensive. Many people think that leather furniture is out of their price range. When you shop at Peerless Furniture, you can trust that you are always going to get a great price for their furniture. You can oftentimes find discounts on the Flexsteel brand when you shop at this store. To learn more about costs, you should stop by and talk with one of their representatives.

If you’re ready to shop for your new furniture, you can visit Peerless Furniture. There is no doubt that you’re going to find something amazing whenever you shop at this store. You’ll find that it will be worth your time and money. You can find great Fenton, MO, leather reclining sofas that are going to work well with your style and budget, so stop by today.

Flexsteel Furniture Is Worth Your Money

Peerless Furniture

Flexsteel furniture is a brand that has everything you want in new furniture. This brand is comfortable, durable, and stylish. On top of these qualities, you’ll also appreciate the fact that the price tag for this brand is highly affordable. You can find this amazing brand at Peerless Furniture. Drop by today to check out this fantastic brand in person.

The Flexsteel brand will start out with the base. They have over 100 different frames that you can pick from. Once they build out the frame, they will test it to make sure that it is durable. They will then add springs, cushions, upholstery, and all the fine details. Every step of the way, they are going to double-check their work. Whenever it’s time to upholster the furniture, they’ll have over 1,000 different options for you to choose from. They also offer different nailheads, wood finishes, and cushions to make your sofa extra special for your home. The leather furniture is some of their most popular pieces because leather is beautiful and durable. Leather gets better with age because it gets softer and more comfortable. You can also pick out different performance fabrics that can be stain-resistant. The great thing about this leather is that it’s just as comfortable as leather that doesn’t have a protective coating on it.

Peerless Furniture store is a great place to purchase all your furniture, especially when it’s leather Flexsteel furniture. If you have any questions about the Flexsteel brand or the protected leathers that this brand offers, then stop by the store today. You’ll learn all that you need to know about their furniture brands once you visit.

The Right Sectional Can Be Found At Peerless Furniture

Leather Flexsteel Sectional near Fenton, MO

You can find leather Flexsteel furniture right now at Peerless Furniture. This is a brand that has a lot to offer to you and your home. You never have to worry about the quality that you are getting whenever you purchase from this brand. They take construction extremely seriously and always use the best materials to construct their furniture. You can find a variety of styles available of Flexsteel furniture right now at Peerless Furniture.

One of my favorite pieces that they currently have in stock is the Astra Reclining Sectional in white. White furniture is trendy right now, but the thought of white can scare some people off. Luckily, Flexsteel furniture can be purchased with leather that has been treated with a protective coating. That will offer a little bit more peace of mind whenever you are buying white furniture. The Flexsteel sectional is exceptionally comfortable, and the seats will come with Blue Steel Spring technology. This spring will come with a warranty for its lifetime. You should never need to have this spring tightened, and it will never cause your cushions to sag. The Flexsteel sectional can also be customized to purchase only the sectional sections that you will need for your home.

If you want to purchase the leather Flexsteel sectional near Fenton, MO, stop by Peerless Furniture and talk to one of their team members. You can find different color options for the leather on the Astra sectional. Once you’re there, you can sit on the sectional to make sure that it’s comfortable enough to bring home. We here at Peerless Furniture cannot wait to help you find the perfect furniture for your home.

Peerless Furniture Is A Store You Can Trust

Leather Reclining Sectionals near Lake St. Louis, MO

Most people that have shopped for furniture have probably experienced subpar sales teams and lower quality furniture. If you’re going to be spending money on a large purchase, then you deserve only the best experience. You don’t have to look any further than Peerless Furniture to find a store that treats you right. Let’s check out a few ways that Peerless Furniture goes above and beyond for their customers.

The moment you walk into Peerless Furniture, you’ll be greeted by their exceptional team. These team members care deeply about whether the people that come to their store are enjoying their experience. They never push you into making any purchases, so you don’t make any decisions under pressure.

When you shop at this store, you’ll be getting to purchase furniture from some of the best brands. You can always find Flexsteel, MaxDivani, American Leather, and more. These are brands that will be able to last you a lifetime. That means they aren’t going to start falling apart or looking worn out in a couple of years. They will also come with warranties to help protect the buyers if something were to go break on your sofa due to a manufacturer’s error.

The prices that you’ll find in Peerless Furniture are also really great. You’ll be getting amazing prices for top-of-the-line furniture. Even if their prices are a little bit higher than what you may see in some chain stores, you can at least know that you won’t have to worry about replacing your purchases in just a few short years.

Drop by Peerless Furniture to start your shopping experience off right. The leather reclining sectionals near Lake St. Louis, MO, will look amazing and add so much comfort to the space.

A Few Reasons Why You Should Buy Leather Furniture

Leather Flexsteel Furniture in St. Louis

Leather furniture will offer you many benefits whenever you have it in your home. If you’ve been on the fence about purchasing leather, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to discuss just a few reasons why you would benefit from buying it. Once you learn about leather, you’ll definitely want it in your home.

You’ll first appreciate leather by the way that it looks. Leather is stylish and versatile, so it can look great with whatever you choose to decorate your home with. It’s usually in neutral tons that will make your home feel calm. Whether your home has a classic or modern style, leather will look great in it.

If you suffer from allergies or have pets in your home, you’ll appreciate that leather is hypoallergenic. Leather cannot hold on to dust and dander that would get trapped in cotton or linen sofas. Since leather won’t trap allergens, you won’t have to worry about deep cleaning them or vacuuming off hair.

On that note, leather is super easy to clean. Whenever you need to clean your leather, whether it’s just for sanitation or because of the spill, you’ll be able to do so quickly. In most cases, you can simply use a mostly dry rag to wipe off anything that is sitting on the surface. There are some leathers that can come with a protective coating to prevent it from staining if any spills occur on it. If you have this coating, then you can use something like a paper towel to clean off any liquid.

The leather Flexsteel furniture in St. Louis would be a great brand to purchase for your home. Take some time to visit this store and find talk to their team about narrowing down the pieces that fit your needs. You won’t be disappointed.

Leather Care and Maintenance

Peerless Furniture

As you carefully choose the piece of furniture for your home and do research, you will also need to do research on care and maintenance. How you take care of your belongings shows a lot about how much the furniture means to you. If you pay a large amount, why throw that to waste and ruin your couch by not caring for it? At Peerless Furniture, you can find a perfect piece for you that you will be able to learn the proper form of taking care of at the store. In addition to finding the right furniture, there will also be instructions on how to take care of them properly. All the instructions are simple steps to getting your piece looking, feeling, and functioning just as it did when first bought.

If leather is soiled, you can wipe it down with a soft, damp cloth using any gentle soap with slightly warm water. Never spot clean your leather furniture though, always clean the entire surface. After you use the soap and water, get a damp cloth and wipe the surface clean. After this, you can use a clean sponge or towel to get all the extra liquid gone, and your cleaning process is over. Another tip is never to use anything to speed up the drying stage. Let the leather completely air dry.

If you are interested in purchasing a new leather sofa near St.Louis, shop at Peerless furniture with the best high-quality brands. The workers at the store are always willing to help each and every customer with any question that they may have. Shopping here would be in your best interest!

Protecta Hide Leather Is Recommended

Leather Flexsteel Sofa near Chesterfield, MO

Purchasing furniture can be an expensive task. When spending this much money on something for your home, you want the best of the best, obviously. So when you purchase a high-quality furniture piece, you can have confidence in knowing that the furniture will last you a lifetime. This is the exact reason Peerless Furniture is highly recommended. You will always be confident in knowing you made the right choice in your furniture. Peerless has the top brands on the market right now for the best prices.

Some of the brands offered at Peerless are Natuzzi, Maxdivani, and Flexsteel. The Natuzzi Editions have a signature line with a Protecta leather. This leather has a protective coating that protects the leather from wearing and stains that may show up from use over time. Although, the coating may leave the beauty of the leather uncompromised. Thanks to the protected leather, you can get a high-quality leather Flexsteel sofa near Chesterfield, MO, that will last you a lifetime. This certain leather is perfect for people who have children or pets. The leather can be trusted to not even be affected by the kids or pets. Some of the lines of leather offered in the Natuzzi Editions collection include Le Mans, Belfast, Phoenix, Montecarlo, Matera, Denver, Dream, and Oregon. Within all of these lines, you are sure to find something that perfectly suits you in every aspect. No matter what piece you go with, you will be purchasing a high-quality furniture piece.

Whenever you are ready to purchase new furniture, check out Peerless furniture to buy leather or cloth furniture piece. The workers will help you the entire time shopping and will make sure you are happy by the end.

How To Choose Your Leather Sofa

Leather Furniture Store near Springfield, IL

A leather sofa is a very versatile piece. It can usually match whatever style you are going for. This is just one of the main reasons why people choose leather over any upholstery covering. But even when you decide to go with leather, there are still many more decisions that have to be made. Continue reading to find out the characteristics to look for when choosing a leather piece of furniture.

The Type of Leather

The type of leather a couch has is so important. You should definitely consider looking into the different types of leather. There will be finishes on some that make them more durable. Choosing a couch with low-quality leather would not be the smartest decision, considering how much you pay for it.

The Color

Obviously the color of the pieces matters to the person purchasing them. You will want something that matches your style of the area and that matches your personality. Stepping out of your comfort zone is risky, especially when you are spending a large amount of money

The Design

Looking into the design of the piece of furniture is more than just how it looks. Ask and look into the frameworks of the piece and how durable the design truly is. The framing is the most important part of a piece of furniture. After looking into the framing, then you can focus on how the couch’s appearance is.

Shopping for couches is not for the weak, it can take patience and time. This is why people always seem to put it off for so long. Look into Peerless Furniture, a leather furniture store near Springfield, IL, for the best high-end pieces.